How Your Business May Be Affected By The Panda 4.0 Update

Panda Update Content

Last week, Google began implementing their latest “low-quality busting” Panda 4.0 update. While it’s not entirely transparent what the update includes, we do know that it has figuratively parted the Red Sea in terms of high-quality content vs. low-quality content. You essentially have major websites like eBay (losing over 33% of its organic traffic, according to several rank-trackers) and coupon site, RetailMeNot, who were hit hard by the Panda update. Meanwhile, content-heavy sites like Buzzfeed and Glassdoor, were given praise by the Google faux-beast.See a detailed list of some of the major websites affected by Panda 4.0 here.

So what does this mean for your business?

Well in effect, it turns out that this means you’ll either have been indexed (pun intended) as a winner or a loser. Here's how to achieve a winning SEO strategy that won't be penalized by Google.


- Engaging content- UX-focused- Original content


- Invisible text- Keyword-stuffed content- Duplicated / scraped contentLike many of Google’s previous updates, This one is all about getting users to engage with high-quality content. So what does that actually mean?The focus of SEO should be the user, not the robots. Before adding any type of content to your site, think about what purpose that link, post, or site structure change is for. Is the main goal to be picked up by search engines or is it created as great shareworthy content for readers?How did Google’s Panda 4.0 update affect your business?