Guidelines for SEO Success in 2013

Corporate SEO, SEO Miami

How has your search engine optimization been measuring up in 2013? As we approach the second half of the year, you might be wondering how to improve your ROI. Well, implementing SEO for your business is no overnight success. In order to perfect the art, it’s necessary to constantly check what you’re doing right and what you’re doing wrong. But how do you know what metrics you need to be conquering right now? Here are some things you should be focusing on this year.

Keyword Research

What is your target audience really searching for? They might want exactly what you’re offering, but they won’t even be able to get to your site if you’re not targeting the right keywords. Luckily, there are tools to help you with this. Google AdWords Keyword Tool allows you to see how often keywords are being searched for and offers suggestions you may not have even thought of.

Useful Content

It’s best to use 350-500 words of quality content in order to draw users in and keep them there. Quality content, in this case, refers to information that your audience is actually interested in reading. Provide them with how-to’s, tips and anything else that may be of value to them. Within this content, properly include your keywords. Optimization does not mean using the same phrases over and over again. Your copy should have conversational aspects in order to flow nicely.

Promoting through Social Media

No one can deny the fact that social media is everywhere now. With 82% of the world’s online users on at least one social networking site, it’s no wonder companies are using this to communicate with their customers. Social media is a great way to effectively reach your audience and promote your brand. Know what networks your audience uses and target them through there. Remember to post about the useful content you have on your website. This will generate traffic, keep users engaged and allow for them to share, retweet and repost what you have to say.

Reporting and Data

Now that you have all the proper tools to better your search engine optimization, monitor your performance data regularly. Dedicate time once a week to check if your results are what you want them to be. If you begin to see a decrease in rankings, try to determine what keywords are doing poorly. Repeat your keyword research in order to stay up to date and constantly improve your SEO. For more expert help from our team, contact us today.