The First iPhone Was Released 8 Years Ago Today

Oh, iPhone, how far you've come.�When first introduced in 2007, Steve Jobs was fully confident of the potential�of his product, calling it "revolutionary and magical."�And here we are, eight years later, still camping out for every new release.Whether you're team Apple or not, there's no denying the impact that the device has had on technology.�Think back to the now-vintage 1st Generation iPhone. While it did grab�some features from already existing technology, like touchscreen capabilities, it was the first of its kind to bring together the best ideas into one innovative product.It was the first to give us a visual interface for�voicemails, something that seems so standard�now���it's hard to believe that no one had implemented this yet. Web browsing also became immensely more intuitive. Webpages no longer looked so�oddly formatted on mobile (and here we are now thinking non-responsive sites are the worst of it). Using apps was made simple,�eliminating the dependency of third parties�and�assuring the ones you downloaded were suitable for your specific phone.With time, the�iPhone�got (sometimes) bigger and better.The original iPhone specs, naturally, don't even match what you'd find on your iPhone 6 today. This prototype paved�the way for phone providers, causing a smartphone revolution. So, here's to you, iPhone. Happy 8th birthday.